Last month ColoradoSPH announced its new vision statement. This month, the new mission statement and core values are unveiled. The Dean's note describes the mission statement, core values, and what they mean. Read more >
When Cathy Bradley interviewed for the position of dean of the Colorado School of Public Health, many faculty, staff, and students said “we don’t know who we are as a school; we haven’t yet declared our identity.” In this Dean’s note, Cathy focuses on the new Vision statement and the process the school used to develop it. Read more >
As leaders at ColoradoSPH look towards the next five years, they are undergoing a strategic planning process to lay out priorities and crystallize a vision. The last five-year strategic plan, from 2019-2024, served ColoradoSPH well and is the time to embark on the plan that will guide the school for the next five years. Click to read more >
The strategic planning process charting our school’s future from 2024-2029 is underway.
A 10-person Steering Committee representing the school's three campuses as well as its diverse disciplines and programs has been formed and will meet regularly throughout the strategic plan creation. This process includes:
Phase 1 (November 2023 - February 2024): Identity Formation. We will crystallize our vision, mission, and core values through a comprehensive survey and collaborative workshops.
Phase 2 (February - August, 2024) : Strategic Planning. We will set our goals, formulate strategies, develop action plans, allocate resources, and initiate executive coaching for our leadership and strategy champions. Meetings have been planned with faculty, staff, students, community partners, peer institutions and more.
Phase 3 (Fall 2024): Execution & Sustained Coaching Support. We will ensure the successful implementation of the strategic plan through ongoing coaching, monitoring, evaluation, and feedback loops. The new mission and vision for ColoradoSPH will be announced in March.
For more information on this process, please reach out to Michelle Kuba, Assistant Dean of Operations, at