Centers & Programs

scientist looking into a microscope in a lab

From genetic epidemiology to nutrition and environmental health, our faculty are advancing collective understanding of what causes cancer, how to better detect the disease, and how behavior can impact survivorship.

healthcare worker playing with child who is being held by a woman

The mission of the Center for Global Health is to catalyze partnerships in teaching, research, practice, and service to make innovative and creative advances in the global standard of health.

firefighter in protective gear

The Centers for Health, Work & Environment is one of 10 Centers of Excellence for Total Worker Health® and houses the Mountain & Plains Education and Research Center, one of 18 centers of its kind. The center works to advance worker health, safety, and well-being through education, research, and public health practice.

woman laughing and two people smiling in the background

The Center for Innovative Design & Analysis (CIDA) provides biostatistics expertise, establishing collaborative partnerships with researchers at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus, its affiliates, and the surrounding community.

person's hands writing in journal with a coffee in the background

The Center for Public Health Practice offers workforce training, development, and consultation to support innovative public health programs throughout Colorado and the Rocky Mountain Region.

Nighthorse Campbell building on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus

The Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health promote the health and wellbeing of American Indians and Alaska Natives by pursuing research, training, continuing education, technical assistance, and information dissemination.

gloved hands placing berries plates

The Colorado Integrated Food Safety Center of Excellence is one of six Integrated Food Safety Centers of Excellence designated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention​. The center is dedicated to identifying and developing model practices in foodborne disease surveillance and outbreak response by providing trainings, continuing education ​​opportunities, and serving as a resource for local, state and federal public health professionals.

person walking on a trail in the woods

The Community Epidemiology & Program Evaluation Group (CEPEG) studies attitudes, behaviors, and potential interventions related to public health, and provides a full range of evaluation services for public health programs.

older adult holding a ball

The Injury & Violence Prevention Center links research, training, and practice to prevent injury in Colorado, the U.S., and around the world.

image of latino family

The Latino Public Health Initiative has the vision of academically empowering students in Latino health and health policy by developing educational and training programs in the area of public health. The Latino Public Health Initiative works to reduce the disparities that affect Latino communities and increase collaborative partnerships with community-based organizations, academic institutions, and state/city elected officials.

two women laughing sitting on a bench

The mission of the LEAD Center is to conduct research into the lifecourse health consequences of early and later life exposures that increase the risk and accelerate the onset of adiposity (obesity) and diabetes.

mobile phone

The mHealth Impact Laboratory works to address differences in health outcomes by creating and curating high-quality mobile and digital technology solutions.

person resting their head on another person's shoulder

This program is dedicated to the expanding and investing in research, education, and partnership in behavioral health—mental health and substance use—and public health.


This program leverages relationships with faculty, staff, and students across the Colorado School of Public Health and the CU Anschutz Medical Campus to inform public health policy and practice in ways that maximize health justice.

kids and adult stretching

The Rocky Mountain Prevention Research Center (RMPRC) conducts community-engaged research with schools and communities to achieve health for all by optimizing social-emotional, mental, and physical health.

Systems for Action logo

Systems for Action is a research program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation housed in our Department of Health Systems, Management & Policy. The program studies approaches for aligning delivery and financing systems across medical care, public health, and the social services sector in ways that improve health.

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