Dean's Advisory Board

Mission and Purpose

The Dean’s Advisory Board at the Colorado School of Public Health (ColoradoSPH) is a group of trusted volunteers who serve in an advisory capacity concerning matters related to the school’s mission, strategic direction, and state and/or regional priorities and needs. The board is comprised of public health experts, organization leaders, and other stakeholders committed to creating a healthier future for all. Advice is regularly sought on topics like governance and board development, strategic planning, financial planning and implementation, development and external affairs, and other special projects identified by the Dean or the board. The ColoradoSPH board members provide critical leadership, advocacy, and resource development to ensure the continued successes of the school.

Board Roles and Responsibilities

Advise the dean and school leadership on strategic, operational, and fiscal matters.
Participate in task forces or committees for various strategic activities.
Provide feedback on marketing and communications.
Facilitate introductions and attend engagement meetings with the dean or school leadership.
Support recruiting key volunteers and committee members to support school programs. 
Act as advocates and ambassadors for the school in the community.
Aid in prospecting individual, corporate, and foundation donors.
Contribute financially, either personally or through board and/or employer-designated gifts, to a program or fund. 
And, attend a minimum of three board meetings and two school-sponsored events annually. 


Voting Board Members


The Colorado School of Public Health Advisory Board includes community leaders from across the State of Colorado, including the following:

  • Judith Albino, PhD, President Emerita, University of Colorado System
  • Cody Belsley, Founder, Common Good Consulting
  • Hon. Elaine Gantz Berman, MPH, Former Director, Colorado State Board of Education and K-12 Education Policy Advisor
  • Adam Boyd, PhD, Vice President, Biometrics at Intellia Therapeutics, Inc.
  • Sinjin Carey, MPH, Vice-President, Kaufman Hall
  • Bob Daugherty, MD, Dean Emeritus, University of Nevada School of Medicine
  • Art Davidson, MD, MPH, Family Physician, Denver Health
  • John Douglas, MD, Former Executive Director, Tri-County Department of Public Health 
  • Cynthia Hazel, DrPH, MSc, Founder and Executive Director, The Gyedi Project
  • Frank Judson, MD, Former Director, Denver Department of Public Health and Environment 
  • Sarah Lampe, MPH, President & CEO, Prime Health
  • Lindy Eichenbaum Lent, President and CEO, Rose Community Foundation
  • Lucy Loomis, MD, Family Medicine Physician, Denver Health
  • Lisa Miller, MD, MSPH, Former Professor of Epidemiology and the Associate Dean for Public Health Practice, Colorado School of Public Health
  • Jennifer Neppel, CFA, CCM, Vice President & Chief Investment Officer for Pinnacol Assurance
  • Eric Olson, Esq, Partner, Olson Grimsley Kawanabe Hinchcliff & Murray LLC
  • Terri Richardson, MD, Retired Internal Medicine Physician and Vice Chair, Colorado Black Health Collaborative 
  • Rev. RJ Ross, MSA, Co-Founder, Samaritan Ministry & Samaritan Institute Foundation
  • Fran Santagata, Retired, Homeland Security and Disaster Preparedness Advisor 
  • Alexis Sgouros, VP Data Engineering and Platform Services at Kaiser Permanente
  • Cyntha Somers, Principal, ExpertGRC LLC
  • George Sparks, CEO, Denver Museum of Nature and Science
  • Claudia Steiner, MD, MPH, Executive Director of the Institute for Health Research at Kaiser Permanente Colorado
  • Elizabeth "Libby" Stuyt, MD, Retired Psychiatrist and Addiction/Behavioral Health Researcher and Advisor 
  • Kristin White, ESQ, Partner, Fisher Phillips 
  • Cal Wilson, MD, Family Physician and Clinical Professor, Colorado School of Public Health
  • Chris Wyant, PhD, Past President, Caring for Colorado Foundation 


Ex-Officio Board Members

The Dean's senior administration, including campus directors, associate and assistant deans, and CU Advancement representatives, are ex-officio members of the Advisory Board.

Christina Abel, Director of Communications & Marketing
Ned Calonge, Associate Dean for Public Health Practice
Cerise Hunt, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Christine Gillen, Associate Dean for Administration & Finance
Michelle Kuba, Assistant Dean of Operations 
Travis Leiker, Assistant Dean of External Relations
Sam MaWhinney, Associate Dean for Faculty
Tracy Nelson, Director, ColoradoSPH at Colorado State University (CSU)
Rhonda Truesdale, Director of Human Resources and Employee Wellbeing
Patricia Valverde, Director, ColoradoSPH at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC)

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