Directory Profile

headshot of Sarah Stotz

Sarah Stotz PhD, MS, RD, CDE

Research Assistant Professor
  • Centers for American Indian & Alaska Native Health
  • Department of Community & Behavioral Health

Sarah Stotz is a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator. Her research focuses on employing mixed-methods inquiry to understand and address food insecurity as it impacts chronic disease management among communities who experience chronic disease disparities.

Areas of Expertise

  • Food insecurity
  • Health disparities
  • Diabetes, hypertension, obesity, CVD
  • Nutrition education

Education, Licensure & Certifications

  • PhD, Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, 2017
  • MS, Medical Dietetics, Saint Louis University, 2003
  • BS, Dietetics, University of Wisconsin Madison, 2000

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