illustration of cartoon people pulling an epi curve down

MS in Epidemiology

In this program, you’ll learn about the causes, distribution, and control of diseases in populations, with an emphasis on methodology. In epidemiology, we’re passionate about providing the scientific evidence that can save lives. And as a student in the department, you’ll have access to faculty with a wide range of expertise—from food safety, to diabetes, to gene-environment interactions, we do it all.

Quick facts, careers, and skills

When you leave this program, you’ll be ready to develop and evaluate new approaches to public health surveillance, risk assessment, and epidemic investigations.

Quick facts

Program location: CU Anschutz
Credit hours: 38
Est. time to complete: 2 years

Sample careers

Data analyst
Research scientist
Clinical research site coordinator
& more

Skills you'll gain

Data analysis and management
Clinical trial design
Translation of scientific findings
& more


In this 38-credit program, you’ll take courses in epidemiology, biostatistics, research ethics and methods, and specific epidemiological topics. You'll also complete a 4-credit Master's research paper or Master's thesis based on work you'll do in collaboration with our world-class researchers.

Total program credits: 38


IdentifierCompetenciesCourse Where Competency is Addressed/Assessed
MS-EPID 1Formulate sound scientific research questions.

EPID 6630

EPID 6631

MS-EPID 2Select and apply appropriate study design, data collection and analysis methods to address research or public health topics.

EPID 6626

EPID 6631

MS-EPID 3Critically appraise research and public health studies for internal and external validity, with consideration of how these issues influence interpretation of study findings.EPID 6626
MS-EPID 4Determine strategies to prevent or minimize study biases in research and public health studies.

EPID 7631

BIOS 6611

BIOS 6612

MS-EPID 5Calculate and interpret measures of disease frequency and association measures to draw appropriate inferences and evaluate causality.

EPID 7631

BIOS 6611

BIOS 6612

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