two people laughing and cooking together

MPH in Community & Behavioral Health

As a student in this program, you’ll learn how you can influence individuals to make positive health decisions, while strengthening communities. In the Department of Community & Behavioral Health, we study the why and the how of population health, engaging with communities in a way that really makes a difference. As part of our department, you’ll have access to faculty with a wide range of expertise—from adverse childhood experiences, to nutrition, to underserved populations. 

Quick facts, careers, and skills

When you leave this program, you’ll be ready to assess community needs, develop programs, and alter policies to promote health, prevent disease, and enhance quality of life.

Quick facts

Program location: CU Anschutz
Credit hours: 42-45
Est. time to complete: 2 years
Option: Emphasis in global health

Sample careers

Health educator
Evaluation specialist
Program officer
& more

Skills you'll gain

Community engagement
Program evaluation tools
Program planning
& more


This 42- to 45-credit hour program offers both in-classroom and applied learning experiences. Our curriculum prepares you to engage authentically and work collaboratively with communities. You’ll gain a strong understanding of the social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental factors that influence health. And if your interests are bigger than one country can contain, we offer the option to add an emphasis in global public health, where you’ll learn how to apply community health and behavioral health principles in the global arena.

Total credits: 42


IdentifierCompetenciesCourse Where Competency is Addressed/Assessed
MPH-CBHS​ 1​​Critically analyze, develop, and apply theories, models, and frameworks to inform public health practice.CBHS 6611
MPH-​​CBHS​​ 2Apply systematic approaches/methods and collaborate with communities and other interested parties - in an effective and ethical manner - to develop and implement an assessment of  the health-related needs and assets of communities and populations, taking into account individual, interpersonal, community and societal factors.CBHS 6624
MPH-​​CHBS​​ 3Use scientific evidence and community experience to identify health inequities and inform the design or adaptation of culturally relevant programs.CBHS 6613
MPH-CBHS​​ 4Use systematic approaches to design or adapt, implement, and evaluate health promotion or disease prevention programs.CBHS 6613
MPH-CBHS 5Develop a comprehensive evaluation plan to assess the implementation and effectiveness of a public health program or policy.CBHS 6612
MPH-CBHS 6Conduct, interpret, and report the results of quantitative or qualitative analyses to understand factors associated with health or health behavior.

CBHS 6622

CBHS 6637

Adding an emphasis in global health

The MPH in Community & Behavioral Health + Global Health is a 45-credit-hour program that's designed to provide you with a public health perspective of globalization and global health issues. As a student in this program, you'll gain the skills you need to apply public health methods to address global challenges.

Total credits: 45

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