We greatly appreciate the philanthropic support of generous donors and partners. We share your passion for improving community health, increasing access to higher education, and expanding the reach of research. Through your support, faculty and students make lasting contributions to the betterment of the community and individual health locally and around the world.
Kaiser Permanente’s mission is to provide high-quality, affordable health care services to improve the health of its members and the community. Kaiser invests $82 million annually to advance the health of Colorado, including a $3 million grant to the University of Colorado's health programs. By investing in education, Kaiser invests in the future of the state--ensuring that Colorado has a high-quality work force with dedicated doctors, pharmacists, dentists, nurses, and public health professionals to care for the state’s citizens.
For more than 40 years, Kaiser Permanente has helped improve the health of Coloradans. As the largest nonprofit health plan in Colorado, we believe everyone has the right to high-quality health care. We have long recognized that our members, our neighbors, our employees, our physicians, our families, and our friends cannot be healthy if they live in unhealthy communities. By investing in our state's universities, we provide important resources for future generations of Coloradans.
Since 2006, the Colorado Health Foundation has provided more than $3 million to support the establishment of Colorado’s first school of public health. One of the Foundation’s primary goals is to ensure that Colorado has the health professional workforce necessary to make Colorado the healthiest state in the nation. Over the past several years, The Colorado Health Foundation has generously supported the Culture of Wellness in Preschools (COWP) Program through the Rocky Mountain Prevention Research Center at the Colorado School of Public Health. The Whole Child Expansion project adapted the five components of the COWP Program so that, in addition to promoting positive physical development, preschools also promote social, emotional and cognitive development. This new whole child model is being implemented in Jefferson County Head Start, City of Lakewood Head Start, Adams County Head Start and Colorado Early Education Network. These efforts collectively reach approximately 5,500 children and adults annually. With the generous support of The Colorado Health Foundation, the COWP has reached over 48,000 children, parents and educators in approximately 150 low-income early child care education settings in 14 counties in Colorado.
Dr. Richard Hoffman was an early advocate for the Colorado School of Public Health. After providing initial support for the school, he felt that a pressing need was to support students who would address health disparities in their future. He wanted those students to become public health leaders who could connect with different populations that carried the greatest disease burden. Dr. Hoffman generously established the Richard E. Hoffman Health Disparities Fellowship. This fund provides critical financial resources for students who have creative ideas about how to address health disparities to create a healthier and more just society.
I found that doctors were training to identify the need for treatment and they were paid a stated amount to provide treatment. They did pretty well, but this was their financial orientation. They received no compensation for preventing anything. I thought we needed some interest in prevention and that is what interested me in public health and that is why I helped to organize the Colorado School of Public Health.
Shortly after earning a law degree from Columbia University in 1948, Don joined Denver law firm Davis, Graham & Stubbs LLP where he served as a managing partner for many years until retirement in 1987. His leadership in the legal field is mirrored by his advocacy for the public health community. Don held numerous chairman and board member positions for foundations such as Caring for Colorado, the Colorado Foundation for Public Health and the Environment, and the Legal Aid Foundation. To honor his leadership in the community, Davis Graham and Stubbs made the first contribution to establish a strategic initiatives fund in Don’s name. Don and his wife Mary, along with many of Don's career friends and colleagues, contributed to increasing the fund's value and future reach.