Dr. Van Dyke is an industrial hygienist, researcher, public health practitioner, and educator. He is an associate professor of Industrial Hygiene in the Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences at Colorado State University and a core faculty member of the Mountain & Plains Education and Research Center. His over 20 years of experience has been spent at the academic, community, clinical, and government levels in professional practice, research, education, and policy. Dr. Van Dyke is a Certified Industrial Hygienist and is recognized for his contributions related to exposure assessment, occupational beryllium exposure, first responder exposures in clandestine methamphetamine laboratories, indoor air quality, public health aspects of legalized marijuana, and community exposures related to oil and gas extraction. He has given over 50 scientific presentations at local and national conferences and contributed on over 40 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Van Dyke is passionate about evidence-based decision-making and risk communication.