Gaining Confidence in Statistical Analyses
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“CIDA's biostatistician is able to help talk through the project including structuring the project, data collection and issues, analysis, and interpretation,” Hammes explains.
While no in-depth analysis of a specific data set can take place during the One Hour Consultation Program, the biostatisticians “can help with talking through how to interpret analysis, or talk through what analysis should be done.” If an investigator finds after the consultation that they would like more statistical assistance with analyzing their data, they can use their consultation as a starting point for building a scope of work with the center.
To get as much guidance and support as possible during the consultation, the PI should be prepared to give a brief elevator pitch that highlights the science behind the project…[and] the set goals [whether that is a publication, an internal analysis, or something else]” according to Hammes.
Hammes recommends that, in addition to the elevator pitch, all attendees come to the One Hour Consultation Program prepared with “a hypothesis, what resources they have available, the current stage of the project, where the data comes from, if any funds are available in case scope goes to a full project, what analytical software you have available, and potential sample sizes.” Depending on the stage of the project, some of this information might not be available to bring with to the consultation. In that instance, these might be questions worth asking the biostatistician for guidance on to help gather the important elements prior to starting your project.
Center for Innovative Design & Analysis
Colorado School of Public Health