CIDA believes in providing exceptional biostatistics support. From start to finish we stand behind the research we conduct and support. Our signature is on everything we do, therefore we are invested in each project, grant and partnership. We work hand in hand with the investigator to ensure that the right designs and analyses are used so we can help answer the the age old question, What’s in your data?
Dr. Giano is a Research Associate in the Department of Biostatistics & Informatics and a faculty member in the Center for Innovative Design & Analysis (CIDA). Dr. Giano’s research interests include the relationship between health disparities and social determinants of health across racial/ethnic, sex, sexual orientation, and geographic profiles. In particular, he has conducted extensive research on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs; defined as abuse, neglect, and other adversity before the age of 18), and how those experiences translate to health outcomes in adulthood across various demographic characteristics. In this domain Dr. Giano specializes in mixture modeling (e.g., latent class analysis), structural equation modeling, hierarchical linear modeling, and psychometric/factor analyses. When Dr. Giano isn’t conducting analyses, you can find him on the ski slopes, tennis court, or at the dog park with his son, Cookie, a Jack Russell Terrier.
Dr. Giano is a Research Associate in the Department of Biostatistics & Informatics and a faculty member in the Center for Innovative Design & Analysis (CIDA). Dr. Giano’s research interests include the relationship between health disparities and social determinants of health across racial/ethnic, sex, sexual orientation, and geographic profiles. In particular, he has conducted extensive research on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs; defined as abuse, neglect, and other adversity before the age of 18), and how those experiences translate to health outcomes in adulthood across various demographic characteristics. In this domain Dr. Giano specializes in mixture modeling (e.g., latent class analysis), structural equation modeling, hierarchical linear modeling, and psychometric/factor analyses. When Dr. Giano isn’t conducting analyses, you can find him on the ski slopes, tennis court, or at the dog park with his son, Cookie, a Jack Russell Terrier.
Dr. Giano is a Research Associate in the Department of Biostatistics & Informatics and a faculty member in the Center for Innovative Design & Analysis (CIDA). Dr. Giano’s research interests include the relationship between health disparities and social determinants of health across racial/ethnic, sex, sexual orientation, and geographic profiles. In particular, he has conducted extensive research on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs; defined as abuse, neglect, and other adversity before the age of 18), and how those experiences translate to health outcomes in adulthood across various demographic characteristics. In this domain Dr. Giano specializes in mixture modeling (e.g., latent class analysis), structural equation modeling, hierarchical linear modeling, and psychometric/factor analyses. When Dr. Giano isn’t conducting analyses, you can find him on the ski slopes, tennis court, or at the dog park with his son, Cookie, a Jack Russell Terrier.
Dr. Giano is a Research Associate in the Department of Biostatistics & Informatics and a faculty member in the Center for Innovative Design & Analysis (CIDA). Dr. Giano’s research interests include the relationship between health disparities and social determinants of health across racial/ethnic, sex, sexual orientation, and geographic profiles. In particular, he has conducted extensive research on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs; defined as abuse, neglect, and other adversity before the age of 18), and how those experiences translate to health outcomes in adulthood across various demographic characteristics. In this domain Dr. Giano specializes in mixture modeling (e.g., latent class analysis), structural equation modeling, hierarchical linear modeling, and psychometric/factor analyses. When Dr. Giano isn’t conducting analyses, you can find him on the ski slopes, tennis court, or at the dog park with his son, Cookie, a Jack Russell Terrier.