Biostatistics Collaborations

If your project has long-term needs or you have a team of individuals needing ongoing collaboration, CIDA builds in-depth partnerships with divisions, departments, centers, and labs. In a partnership, the CIDA team member becomes embedded in your research unit: attending research meetings, becoming knowledgeable about your subject area, and engaging in team science co-contributing to your research unit.

These partnerships are often initially focused on developmental stages of research including grant writing, pilot data analysis, developing new data resources, and co-authoring publications to build a track record together. In future years, the partnership transitions to both developmental work and implementation of grant funded research. 

A partnership is an ongoing relationship that usually results in funding to support the efforts of the analytic team member through extramural grants and/or contracts. In a partnership, biostatisticians bring a different expertise that contributes to the scientific goal. The members make an effort to understand each other's expertise and work as a team with mutual goals and rewards.

CIDA team members are eager to partner with you to find solutions for complex, scientific problems that affect human health.

Creating lasting collaborations 

Business, team and woman in meeting, brainstorming and conversation in office. Staff, female leader and teamwork for brand development, digital marketing and collaboration for advertising campaign.

“Collaborators who partner with a biostatistician in their scientific planning have innovative studies tailored to their specific questions of interest,” explained Research Associate, Diana Abbott, Ph.D. “This means that time and research dollars can focus on data that illuminates the research question.”

Read more about building a collaboration >

Center for Innovative Design & Analysis

Colorado School of Public Health

CU Anschutz

Fitzsimons Building

13001 East 17th Place

4th Floor West

Mail Stop B119

Aurora, CO 80045

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