
worker at a desk with baby in lap
Health Links​ is a mentoring program that champions health and safety at work. We offer evidence-based Healthy Workplace Certification™ and advising to help organizations and their team members achieve Total Worker Health®.
male latino worker outside

We are collaborating with organizations serving the Hispanic and Latino communities in Colorado. Through our collaborations, we are developing and delivering trainings for this community to improve worker health, safety, and well-being and to empower leadership in practice.

This project works with partners and employers to educate businesses, guiding them to create workplaces that support workers experiencing common behavioral health conditions including substance use and addiction. 
worker cutting sugarcane
We've partnered with the Center for Global Health and two of the largest agricultural enterprises in Central America to better understand the health risks agricultural workers face and determine the most effective, feasible solutions. We're studying the health of sugarcane and banana agricultural workers and evaluating the health and safety programs provided by their employers.
people at a desk, soceity for total worker health logo

The Society for Total Worker Health, founded in 2022 as a 501c3 (application pending), unites members with a shared passion: advancing worker health, safety, and well-being. It's mission is to collaboratively advance the field of Total Worker Health through sharing of knowledge and best practices for the benefit of working people, their families, organizations, and the community.

Thumbnail of health risk calculator with image of construction workers
Prioritizing worker health, safety, and well-being is good for employees and their employers. Our research has found that when employees' health improves, workers' compensation costs go down.​ Try out the calculator to see how your employees' health affects worker's compensation costs.
visualization of coronavirus that causes COVID-19
COVID-19 presents a set of unique challenges for all workers. We've compiled a list of evidence-based resources to support both employers and their team during this difficult time.

Centers for Health, Work & Environment

Colorado School of Public Health

CU Anschutz

Fitzsimons Building

13001 East 17th Place

Suite W3111

Mail Stop B119

Aurora, CO 80045

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