Foodborne Outbreak Challenge



The Foodborne Outbreak Challenge (FOC) is a one-day event for students designed by the Colorado Integrated Food Safety Center of Excellence at the Colorado School of Public Health. Learn more about the FOC in our article published in the Journal of Food Science Education

This Instructor's Guide is designed to serve as a comprehensive step-by-step guide for course organizers and instructors. This page contains all the required materials for this course. For additional information about hosting this event, please contact us​.   

The learning objectives for the Foodborne Outbreak Challenge are as follows:

  1. Apply the steps in a foodborne outbreak investigation;
  2. Develop potential food safety interventions from farm to fork; and 
  3. Recognize the roles of different disciplines in food safety.


Colorado Integrated Food Safety Center of Excellence

Colorado School of Public Health

CU Anschutz

Fitzsimons Building

13001 East 17th Place

Mail Stop B119

Aurora, CO 80045

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