Training Development & Delivery
Working together to support the public health workforce
- Developed for the public health workforce, broadly defined as those who work in public health agencies as well as those who work in other organizations impacting the health of the public, including the health care workforce in medically underserved rural areas and in American Indian Nations.
- Tailored to current needs and delivered using a variety of methods, including state-of-the-art online and in-person trainings and facilitated discussions.
- Developed in collaboration with local, state, and national partners.
- Designed to support the implementation of evidence-based and innovative practices and policies to address emerging health priorities.
- Linked to the ten essential public health services and the core competencies for public health professionals.
- Designed to link the public health and health care sectors for population health improvement as outlined in the Affordable Care Act.
We look forward to hearing from you about your training needs and how we can work together to support the public health workforce.
Contact us to learn more about how we can assist your group in your important work ahead.
Selected examples of previous trainings:
- Evidence-based Public Health
- Health Equity
- Cultural Competency
- Public Health 101
- Grant Management
- Leading Improvement Projects
- Social Justice Youth Development
- Stems Change Strategies
- Coalition Building and Collaborations
- Cancer Prevention
- Patient Navigation Foundational and Advanced Trainings
With funding from HRSA to support the six-state Region VIII Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center, additional trainings will be developed that will be web-based, and will use video peer learning platforms and/or other new technologies
to make workforce development opportunities more accessible.
- Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
- Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
- Directors of Health Promotion and Education
- National Association of Chronic Disease Directors
- Colorado Public Health Alliance
- Colorado Local public health agencies
- 9 Health Fair