Carol Runyan, MPH, PhD has nearly four decades of experience as an injury scholar. A part-time professor, in phased retirement, with the Colorado School of Public Health where she is the founding director of the Program for Injury Prevention, Education & Research (PIPER). Previously, Dr. Runyan led the University of North Carolina Injury Prevention Research Center for more than two decades. She is a professor emeritus at the UNC Gillings School of Public Health and lives in North Carolina. Her numerous publications address both the epidemiology and prevention of injuries on a number of topics, including unintentional injuries occurring in the home, roadway, school, and work environments and has recently focused on suicide prevention and child maltreatment. Dr. Runyan has worked extensively with practice-based colleagues in federal, state, and local health agencies and teaches public health students. She was recently served as president of the Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR). In 2012, she was named one of the most influential leaders in injury control by the CDC, and, in 2014, received a Distinguished Career Award from the APHA.