The impact of injuries is greater on AI/AN communities than it is on other racial and ethnic groups. The mission of the Indian Health Service’s (IHS) Injury Prevention Program (IPP) is to “raise the health status of American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) to the highest possible level, by decreasing the incidence of severe injuries and death to the lowest possible level, and increasing the ability of tribes to address their injury problems.”
IHS has developed a well-known IPP with staff who work in partnership with tribes and tribal, urban, and nonprofit Indian organizations and other key partners to reduce the impact that injuries have on Indian people. One of their programs is the Tribal Injury Prevention Cooperative Agreement Program (TIPCAP), which promotes the capacity of tribes and tribal, urban, and nonprofit Indian organizations to build sustainable evidence-based injury prevention programs. TIPCAP provides an opportunity for tribes to implement effective, evidence-based strategies and community-defined or local efforts to prevent injuries.
For more information on this 20-year program, visit the IHS website​.
The Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health (CAIANH) serves as the external monitoring contractor to individual TIPCAP sites. Our main goal is to assist TIPCAP sites with their technical assistance (TA) needs. Examples of assistance include, but are not limited to, helping with progress reports; identifying methods for recording and reporting IP program activities; aiding in the creation or fine-tuning of evaluation tools; disseminating best practice guidance; and providing other resources.
CAIANH provides the following technical assistance and monitoring activities: