The Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health (CAIANH) serves as a leader for the North and Midwest region with the goal of extending AIM-AHEAD into American Indian and Alaska Native and Latino communities. Specifically, CAIANH's purpose is to establish mutually beneficial and coordinated partnerships to increase the representation of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Latino researchers, educational institutions, health care organizations, and communities in the development of AI/ML models through participation in the AIM-AHEAD Consortium. Additionally, CAIANH serves to help build the capacity of Native and Latino organizations to employ this emerging technology to address pressing health disparities.
When we feed computer programs a lot of data, that data often includes human bias (“bias” means the attitudes or behaviors that favor one group or idea over another). This can be the result of inputting actual human opinions (with all their biases), like a computer program analyzing user comments from a website, or the result of not having enough representation in the data, such as human face analysis programs that depend mostly on only White faces. When the data itself is biased, the interpretations of the AI/ML programs
can also be biased.
By increasing the number of diverse researchers and communities who participate in AI/ML technology, AIM-AHEAD hopes to confront and reduce bias in AI/ML programs. AIM-AHEAD also wants to bring the promise of this technology to communities who aren’t currently benefiting from it.
We created some info sheets to help explain how AI/ML can help answer important health-related questions.
>> How Can AIM-AHEAD Benefit Native Communities?