Scientific Review Council


Gregory Kinney PhD, MPH

Research Assistant Professor

Physician familiar with the administration of medical marijuana pursuant to current state laws with experience recommending medical marijuana to those aged zero to seventeen

Kelly Knupp MD

Associate Professor

Medical toxicologist

Kennon Heard MD

Professor (SOM)


Archana Shrestha MD

Associate Professor of Clinical Practice (SOM)


Erica Wymore MD, MPH

Assistant Professor (SOM)


Paula Riggs MD

Professor (SOM)

Internal medicine physician (or other specialist in adult medicine)

Preventive medicine specialist (or preventive medicine public health professional)

Chris Urbina MD, MPH

Medical Officer (Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment), Former Director (CDPHE)

Licensed substance abuse disorder specialist

Joseph Schacht PhD

Associate Professor (SOM)


Kent Hutchison PhD

Professor (SOM)

Medical professional (or public health professional) who specializes in racial and health disparities and systemic inequalities in health care and medicine

Lesley Brooks MD

Medical Director/Interim Executive Director (North Colorado Health Alliance), Chief of Addiction Medicine (SummitStone Health Partners)
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