Fostering Resilience in Early Education (FREE)

Children in a circle Listen to a teacher

The Objective of Fostering Resilience in Early Childhood (FREE)

ECE providers face challenges in the work environment such as low pay and stress. Many providers are affected by poor health conditions such as high rates of depression, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Enhancements in ECE providers' well-being can have a direct impact on their ability to provide high-quality care for young children. The objective of the FREE program is to ensure ECE providers have access to workplace supports that enhance their well-being, in turn promoting high-quality relationships with the children in their care and fostering resilience

Program Components


  • Individual-level- Participants create individualized self-care plans and receive one-on-one training to support mindfulness in the classrooms 
  • Interpersonal-level- All participants have an opportunity to participate in workplace wellness activities including walking clubs, mindfulness activities, and various challenges 
  • Classroom-level- Classroom staff guide children through activities to support child and adult well-being 
  • Organizational-level- Wellness teams participate in a strategic planning process called Policy, System, and Environment Change Process to identify wellness needs (e.g. indoor/outdoor space to relax; health-promoting materials; discounts at local fitness centers)

Rocky Mountain Prevention Research Center (RMPRC)

Colorado School of Public Health

CU Anschutz

Fitzsimons Building

13001 East 17th Place

3rd Floor East

Mail Stop B119

Aurora, CO 80045

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