The effects of the virus that causes COVID-19 are more broad than the symptoms of illness. Even individuals that aren’t sick are employing social distancing in an effort to slow the spread and decrease the impact of this respiratory illness. Social distancing and the closing of many of our usual social outlets (such as bars, restaurants, and gyms) can affect our wellbeing and our usual self-care strategies.
It’s important to make sure you’re getting enough sleep and not spending an excessive amount of time using digital devices. While we recognize that these devices are the only way many of us are able to stay in touch with friends and family or get our work accomplished, it is important to take breaks from our screens for other activities. Health sleep hygiene includes going to bed and waking up at regular times – even if your work and life schedules have shifted. You may also want to keep work outside your bedroom to maintain a distraction-free bedroom.
There are many options for activities at home that will help you maintain a positive outlook on the future. Many exercise options are available without the need for gym equipment. These options include online exercise classes and yoga. You can also spend time reading, listening to audiobooks, or practicing mindfulness. We’ve put together several resources that may enable to you maintain your self-care routines and improve your wellbeing.
The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger (CDC).
It is natural to feel stress, anxiety, grief, and worry during and after a disaster. Everyone reacts differently, and your own feelings will change over time. Notice and accept how you feel. Taking care of your emotional health during an emergency will help you think clearly and react to the urgent needs to protect yourself and your family. Self-care during an emergency will help your long-term healing.