We collaborate with community organizations to eliminate health disparities affecting Latinos and underserved populations. Currently, our community work focuses on three health needs—cancer, Alzheimer's, and COVID-19 community work.
We established a working group with partner organizations that helps the Hispanic Cancer Coalition provide bilingual and Spanish language cancer prevention resources and support groups.
We work collaboratively with departments across the CU Anschutz Medical Campus—including the Department of Alzheimer's and Neurology. Together, we formed a brain health committee; our team serves as a community advisor on brain health for the Latino community.
We partnered with community-based organizations and vaccine clinics to disseminate educational COVID-19 materials to the Latino community in 2021. We hosted, or co-hosted, more than 30 educational webinars (Charlas Informativas) in Spanish featuring more than 20 Latino medical professionals and epidemiologists. Our educational materials reached more than 50,000 people and aided in the vaccination of more than 10,000.
Some of our partners included VUELA for Health, Adelante Community Development, Vives for Wellness, and CLLARO. Special thanks to El Comercio de Colorado for editing our videos.