Promoting a culture of wellness in preschools
Colorado School of Public Health Mar 15, 2019The Culture of Wellness in Preschools (COWP) is a comprehensive and collaborative early childhood obesity program, which aims to promote a “culture of wellness” in preschool settings by increasing fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity levels. This is accomplished by bringing the following to preschool sites throughout Colorado:
- Classroom-based nutrition education
- Preschool physical activity professional development program
- Parent wellness workshop series
- Staff workplace wellness program
- Strategic planning process to make center environment and policy changes that focus on increasing healthy eating and physical activity levels
From its inception, COWP has reached 15,000 students, parents and teachers, 150 low-income preschools and early childhood education centers, and 11 Colorado counties.
Colorado School of Public Health
Rocky Mountain Prevention Research Center
ColoradoSPH Community News